Toronto Events

Toronto Airport Limousine for Business and Pleasure Trips

For many, juggling the responsibilities of work and family means there is little time to catch your breath and just kick back. A hectic work week may include an out of town business trip that can really disrupt your regular schedule at home. While Toronto Airport Limousine can’t reduce your out-of-town work commitments, we can […]

Toronto Airport Limousine for Business and Pleasure Trips Read More »

Bypass the Winter Blahs with Canada Blooms and Toronto Airport Limousine

Tired of the cold, dull days of winter? A visit to Canada Blooms, Canada’s largest and most prestigious flower and garden festival will be sure to put you in a green thumb, spring time-happy frame of mind! Show dates are March 16 to 20th at the Direct Energy Centre, Exhibition Place so now is the

Bypass the Winter Blahs with Canada Blooms and Toronto Airport Limousine Read More »

What’s going on in Toronto? Lots! Take a Classy Toronto Airport Limo and Arrive in Style!

 We’re well into the New Yea now and there are a few things that are for sure…the stress of the holidays are over, Southern Ontario’s winter weather is rearing it’s unpredictable  head and some of us are experiencing the January blues after coming off the highs of the holidays. Thankfully, the kids are back in

What’s going on in Toronto? Lots! Take a Classy Toronto Airport Limo and Arrive in Style! Read More »